Stewed peas recipe
Beetroot drinks recipe

Corn Dumplings recipe

How to make corn dumplings



2 ears corn (not the dried ones)

1 cup all-purpose flour

water to mix the flour

salt to taste




grater 2 ears corn into a medium-size bowl.

grated corn


Sift the flour and salt into the bowl with the grated corn. Use water to mix flour into dough. Cover and sat aside for 10 minutes. (allow the flour to rest, in Jamaica we call it ‘set’)

corn flour


Put a medium pot over high flames and add salt, cover the pot. When the water begins to boil, make dumplings with the dough and add it to the pot. Stir the pot to make sure the dumplings are not sticking on each other. Cover and cook dumplings for 10 minutes. When the dumplings are cooked they will float to the top.

corn dumplings

Served with curried chicken or your favourite choice


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