Quick and easy fruit cake
Proper Human Relationships (The art of living)

Home remedy to treat blackheads


Pimples (blackheads)
Pimples are often seen in the face, the shoulders and back. Blackheads are very similar to pimples except that they have a black spot in the top of the pimples.
Pimples are due to poor elimination and in adolescents to an excessive amount of oil in the skin. You should do all you can to avoid having pimples because the condition is easier to prevent than cure.
1. Get plenty of outdoor exercise
2. sufficient rest
3. Drink plenty of water
4. Eat an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially the green leafy kind.
5. Avoid fried foods, sweets and rich desserts
6. Wash the face in a rich lather of mild soap three times daily

If pimples do appear and must be opened, do so with a clean needle and press gently, avoiding squeezing.
Apply camphor of spirits (spirits of camphor) until the spots have dried up. Keep hands away from the face to prevent the spreading of the infection


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