Broad beans and salt fish recipe
Jamaican chicken vegetable soup

Jamaican stewed June plum (June plum jam) recipe

gren June plum

June plum jam known as stewed June plum

Apart from making juice, green June plum is used to make chutney and stewed in Jamaica. Stewed June Plum is called 'June plum jam' in Jamaica. June plum is a good source of vitamin C.

7 green June plum, peeled, cut into small pieces
piece of ginger
brown sugar
4 cups water
splash of white rum
dash of salt

Put a medium-size pot over high flame with four cups of water, cover, and bring to a boil. Add the June plum pieces, cover and continue boiling for 15 minutes.

june plumjune plumjune pluM

Add the sugar and ginger, stir, cover the pot and lower the flame. Simmer the June plum while stirring constantly until the liquid is thick and syrupy. Add salt to balance out the sweetness.

june plumjune plum

When the liquid reaches a caramelized consistency remove from heat and pour into a glass bottle, add the splash of rum.
The stewed June plum should be completely cooled before refrigerated. Keep for a week in the refrigerator. Best with bread or crackers

stewed june plumjune plum jam

How to make June plum drinks


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