Jamaican BBQ Fried Chicken Recipe
2 Ingredients Ice Cream Recipe

The Healing Power In Green Beans

Also known as snap beans(called string beans in Jamaica), green beans are loaded with nutrients of significant medicinal value. They are an excellent source of vitamin K. Vitamin K is essential for maintaining strong bones.

Greens beans are also a rich source of the equally important vitamin A (notably through their concentration of carotenoids, including beta-carotene). And, as you know, when you chew on green beans they contain loads of useful fibre, which helps prevent colon cancer. In addition, green beans are packed with vitamin C, riboflavin, potassium, iron, manganese, foliate, magnesium, and thiamine.
The iron content in green beans is twice as high as in spinach. The vitamins C, A, and Zinc present in green beans help to maintain optimal immune function and acne-free skin. Last but not least, green beans can help maintain your memory thiamine.
The many nutrients in green beans can help prevent a number of different conditions, including, Alzheimer's, arteriosclerosis, diabetic, heart disease, colon cancer, asthma, arthritis, acne ,ear infections, and even colds and flu.
Note: Green beans contain a measurable amount of oxalates. So if you suffer from oxalic acid stones in the kidney, make certain to cleanse your kidney's, before eating green beans on a regular basis


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