5000 Jamaicans Laid Off
How to make Ribena drink at home

Jamaican rice porridge With Coconut Milk

jamaican rice porridge
A bowl of hot Jamaican rice porridge

A hot steaming bowl of rice porridge, cooked with freshly blended coconut milk, Jamaican style of course. This is the real Jamaican authentic method of cooking rice porridge. So, I was feeling for rice porridge for the longest while, and I decided to do something about it, yes, I boiled me some rice porridge and my cravens were indeed satisfied.

10 0z.white rice/washed
Few cinnamon leaves
1/14 cups of water
1/4 cup coconut milk
1/4 tsp. grated nutmeg
1/8 tsp. vanilla flavouring
Condensed milk to sweeten or use honey

Put a big enough pot pour 1/4 of water. Put pot on medium heat and add cinnamon leaves. Cover pot and boil cinnamon leaves for 5 minutes to infused flavours into the water

After 5 minutes, add the washed rice and the remaining 1 cup of water. Partially cover the pot and boil rice until partially cooked, stirring occasionally

When rice is partially cooked add the coconut milk, by this time the water should be reduced significantly. Lower heat to the lowest setting while rice is stimmering into coconut milk, stirring occasionally and pot should be partially covered.

When the porridge reaches to the consistency of not too runner and not too thick, turn off heat

Add salt, sweeten with condensed milk or whatever you want to use. Add vanilla and nutmeg. Gently stir, best served steaming hot. Keep leftover rice porridge in the fridgefor at least 2 days


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