Lasco papaya banana smoothie
Peanut rice Jamaican style

Mango Passion Fruit Juice

mango passion fruit juice

Mango passion is a popular flavour in Jamaica. Everything about Mango Passion drink screams tropical. This is one of the most exotic drinks. I used one Graham mango and 12 passion fruits, because I wanted the drink to have more of a passion flavour than a mango flavour.


1 Graham ripe mango

12 passion fruits

Sugar to taste

4 cups purified water

The juice of 1 green lime


Wash and peel mango. Remove the flesh from seed. Put mango flesh into a container

Cut each passion fruit into halves, scrape out seeds.

Put some of the passion fruit seeds and mango flesh in a blender. Add 2 cups of water. Whip for 5 minutes. Pour mixture into a container and continued whipping until finished

Strain twice, add the lime juice. Sweeten with your favourite sweetener, I used granulated sugar.
Enjoy ice cold


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