Robbie Shakespeare of Sly and Robbie duo has died
How to corned pork Jamaican style

Jamaican cured sorrel (aged sorrel)

cured sorrel

Jamaican cured sorrel. Sorrel and Jamaican Christmas cake taste much better when there are aged. I baked the Christmas cakes from August, allow cakes to cool complete, then wrapped each cake with cling wrap, then pack on each other into the freezer until ready to be eaten. As for the sorrel, I normally aged it for a year or more before drinking. These three bottles of sorrel had prepared from last year December, a little before Christmas, so they are well Smooth and nice. I also have freshly steep sorrel in the refrigerate that I prepared two weeks ago.

There are two methods that I normally used to prepare sorrel

1.Wash the sorrel, then put into a food processor and blend with ginger, scrape into a container, then add ten pimento seeds (allspice) a hand full of white rice, then enough filtered room-temperature water to cover the blended sorrel. Cover and seep for four hours or best overnight. Boiling water can use instead of room-temperature water. A blender can be used instead of food processor, but you'll have to blend sorrel with water.

2. Wash sorrel, place into a container. In a large pot pour enough water, add pimento seeds, 1/4 cup white rice. Two ounces ginger root. Put the pot on heat and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and add the sorrel. Cover and steep overnight. In the morning pour off sorrel juice and sweeten with your favourite sweetener. Alcohol can be added if you desired. Pour into clean glass bottles and store in the cupboard (Pantry) for up to a year


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