A recent study showed that consuming 6 mg of lutein in your food per day reduces your risk of this disorder by a whopping 43%. Fresh corn is an excellent source of lutein Read more →
One of the benefits which made apple cider vinegar so popular is that it helps overweight people lose weight. Other cures include arthritis, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, healthier hair and skin, constipation and diabetes. Diabetics can benefit from apple cider vinegar (acv) and report a more controlled blood sugar with up to a 20% reduction in measurable blood sugar within the first week of use. Read more →
Leafy green vegetables, such as spinach, kale, collards, and broccoli, are the best sources of vitamin K. The greener the plant, the higher the vitamin K content. Other significant dietary sources of vitamin K include soybean oil, olive oil, cottonseed oil, and canola oil. Read more →
Many foods contain potassium. All meats (red meat and chicken) and fish such as salmon, cod, flounder, and sardines are good sources of potassium. Soy products and veggie burgers are also good sources of potassium Read more →
Grapefruit juice contains chemicals that can cause problems with enzymes that break down certain types of medicines in your intestines. When a medicine does not get broken down properly in the intestines, you can have too much medicine in your blood. Having too much medicine in your blood increases your chances of having side effects. Read more →
For a long time coconut oil has been wrongly advertised as an unhealthy food product because of its high unsaturated fat content in order to promote other cooking oils such as canola. The common complaints against coconut oil were elevated cholesterol levels, risk of heart and brain disorders etc. Read more →
organic food A broadly defined category of food which, in the purest form, is grown without chemical fertilisers or pesticides and sold to the consumer without adding preservatives and synthetic food enhancers Read more →
Bee pollen consists of bee saliva and enzymes, mixed with pollen that the bees have brought back to the hive on their bodies. The bees pack the pollen into granules; honey and nectar are sometimes added to the granules. Read more →