Make Jamaican dry jerk rub by combining, ground pimento, cinnamon, all-purpose, chicken seasoning, paprika, black pepper, escallion, thyme, garlic, onion and hot pepper Read more →
Ackee is one of the many foods brought to the Caribbean during the slave trade with Africa. Ackee is found throughout the Caribbean but has been most abundantly cultivated in Jamaica, where it is part of our national dish; ackee and salt fish Read more →
How to season chicken Jamaican style whether for brown stewed, curried, baked, deep fried, jerked, and barbecue. For barbecuing and jerking chicken, add a tsp. of grated nutmeg, 1 tsp. of ground chilli powder and a tsp. of ground pimento or freshly crushed pimento. Read more →
This is a picture of the real Jamaican beef patties. We use egg powder colouring to give the patty crust its colour. We do not use curry powder neither turmeric in our Jamaican patty dough. Read more →
Many foods and spices are known to have health benefits, which is why you often hear the expression food as medicine. Turmeric, also called curcumin, is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits. Read more →
Drinking lots of water also helps to keep the skin looking healthy and less wrinkled. Read more →
But eating organic doesn’t mean you will lose weight faster. Let’s face it, a sweet potato will have just about the same amount of calories regardless of whether it is grown with conventional pesticides or not. What counts in weight loss is the number of calories you consume and the energy you use daily. Read more →
You can soak the beans for 24 hours or overnight. Soaking dried kidney beans Before soaking, sort through the beans to remove tiny stones or debris. Place the beans into a container and rinse well with water Add enough tap water to cover the beans by 2 inches Cover the container and place in the fridge. To prevent the beans from fermenting, refrigerate them while they soak. Read more →